
100MillionNft.com and their challenge: Raise $ 100 million by selling NFTs

urning on the web we found a very ambitious project, we are talking about 100MillionNft.com and their particular challenge: Collect 100 million dollars by selling NFT, this is 100 Million Nft.

What are NFTs

Let’s go in order, let’s now explain what NFTs are for those unfamiliar with them. NFT stands for ” Non-Fungible Token “. The term ” Non-Fungible ” indicates a non-replicable good with a specific individuality. These NFTs are nothing more than digital content, with a certificate of authenticity and uniqueness. This certificate is issued via blockchain technology.

How NFTs are created

An NFT is created starting from a digital object which can be an image, a GIF, a video, a piece of music, etc. The file corresponds to a string of code which will be compressed into a shorter one. This process is called ” hashing “. The outcome of this process is called a ” hash ” which will subsequently be stored by the author in a blockchain .

Where NFTs are bought and sold

If you want to create, buy or sell an NFT, there are many platforms on the web that will allow you to do this, the most famous is undoubtedly OpenSea.

Investing in NFTs


In recent months, NFTs have been very fashionable, more and more people decide to invest capital in the purchase of NFTs. It is possible to buy NFTs starting from a few dollars up to figures that exceed 1 million dollars . An example of this great revolution are certainly CryptoPunk

What are CryptoPunks

The NFT market has exploded in these first months of 2021, there have been over $ 2.5 billion in transaction volume. CryptoPunk is one of the first NFT projects: It is a set of pixel-based avatars. Some CryptoPunks have been sold for millions of dollars.

The CryptoPunk were created by development studio and Larva Labs are a number of 10,000 tokenizzate images as NFT on blockchain of Ethereum . The first CryptoPunks date back to 2017 and were released for free.

The challenge of 100MillionNft.com


Going to the home page of the 100MillionNft.com site we can see a masked man wearing a mask. Little is known about this project, what we do know is that on November 19th at 00.00 Greenwich Mean Time the largest auction in the history of NFTs will start.

Always reading on the site we can understand that 500 NFT tokens will be offered for sale and that they will be inspired by 10 important themes: From the creation of the Earth to the destruction of the same that is happening by our hand.

We just have to wait until November 19th and see what happens. This project has collected the interest of many professionals, I leave you below the social channels where you can follow this project well:




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